Your gift propels us forward. Support Bangarra: our story, our voice, our tomorrow.

By donating, you are directly supporting our creative endeavours, education initiatives, and the nurturing of the Indigenous leaders of tomorrow. Together, we deliver projects that support and empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities nationwide.

Make a tax-deductible gift to Bangarra today. Every contribution – whether $2 or $2000 – has a profound impact in ensuring our future.

Thank you for being part of our journey, for amplifying our stories and voices.

To donate, please use the form below or connect with our Development Team at or (02) 9251 5333.

How much would you like to donate?

Would you like to make this a monthly gift?
By supporting Bangarra Monthly you are ensuring ongoing impact, on and off the stage.

Contact Information

Where should we send your donation receipt?

PLEASE NOTE: Your donation will be acknowledged in your tax receipt, on our website, and in printed material under the name provided below. If you'd like to be acknowledged under another name, or wish to donate anonymously, please email us at

Billing Address

Please provide your billing address.

If you would prefer to make a Direct Deposit to Bangarra, please use the details below: 
NAME: Bangarra Dance Theatre
BSB: 182 222
ACC: 3038 27539
Reference: Your Name

All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. We never share any of the personal information you provide when making a donation. Read our privacy policy HERE. Bangarra Dance Theatre Australia Limited (ABN 96 003 814 006) is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) covered by Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. 

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